Terms of Use, Legal notices and data protection
1. Declaration of consent by the user
By using the website www.winvestam.ch (or a page redirected to this web address; hereinafter collectively referred to as the "WAM website") you confirm that you have read, understood and accepted the following terms of use including the legal information. If you do not want to agree to these terms of use, we ask you to refrain from further access to the WAM website.
2. Limited access
The WAM website is not intended for those legal or natural persons who, due to their nationality, place of business, place of residence or for any other reason, are subject to a legal system, which in particular
the publication of the content
access to the WAM website
the activity of a foreign financial service provider
prohibits or restricts. It is also not intended for use by legal or natural persons in countries in which WINVEST ASSET MANAGEMENT AG or its affiliated companies do not have the necessary registrations and approvals.
Persons to whom some or all of these restrictions apply are prohibited from accessing the WAM website. This applies in particular to nationals of the USA, UK, Canada, Japan, China and Singapore or persons based in these countries. Please find out about the relevant legal system in your country.
3. Property Rights
All elements on the WAM website are protected by intellectual property law and are the property of WINVEST ASSET MANAGEMENT AG or third parties. Use of the WAM website does not transfer any rights, in particular any rights relating to software, trademarks or elements of the WAM website. Copyright notices and trademarks may not be changed or removed.
The complete or partial reproduction of elements of the WAM website is only permitted if the source is fully cited. Any reproduction or use of the content of the WAM website for a public or commercial purpose is prohibited without the prior written consent of WINVEST ASSET MANAGEMENT AG.
4. No offer
The information and opinions published on the WAM website do not constitute advertising or a recommendation, or a solicitation, an offer or an invitation to submit an offer:
to buy or sell investment vehicles
to carry out other transactions
to conclude other legal transactions
The WAM website is for informational purposes only.
5. No guarantee
WINVEST ASSET MANAGEMENT AG also assumes no responsibility and gives no guarantee that
the functions of the WAM website are available without errors and without interruption
the WAM website and other components used to access the WAM website are free of harmful elements (in particular viruses).
6. Left
WINVEST ASSET MANAGEMENT AG has the WAM website "Linked" Third-party websites have not been checked and assumes no responsibility for the topicality, correctness, reliability, completeness or legality of the content and offers. Establishing links to these pages is therefore at the user's own risk.
The prior consent of WINVEST ASSET MANAGEMENT AG must be obtained in order to set a web link on a third-party website to a WAM website.
7. Disclaimer of Liability
WINVEST ASSET MANAGEMENT AG or its affiliated companies, partners, board members, employees or representatives reject any liability (including for negligence and also towards third parties) for direct or indirect damage or consequential damage, which is directly or indirectly related to the use of the WAM Website are created.
8. Subject to change
All information, opinions, performance and other representations, links, etc. can be changed at any time without prior notification or explanation to the user.
The terms of use can also be changed at any time and without notice, and use of the WAM website can be restricted or terminated.
12. Ombudsman
According to Article 74 of the Financial Services Act (FIDLEG), customers of WINVEST ASSET MANAGEMENT AG have the option of settling disputes about legal claims between the named parties through the ombudsman (FINOS, Swiss Finance Ombudsman) as part of a mediation process. In such matters, the ombudsman mediates impartially, unbureaucratically, fairly and quickly.
The ombudsman understands mediation to be an out-of-court dispute settlement procedure in which mediators support the parties involved in the conflict in resolving their conflict amicably.
11. Applicable law / place of jurisdiction
Insofar as a legal relationship has been established between WINVEST ASSET MANAGEMENT AG and the users of the WAM website, this is subject to Swiss law. The exclusive place of jurisdiction is Cham (Zug, Switzerland) .
J. Profiling und automatisierte individuelle Entscheidungsfindung
WINVEST kann Ihre Personendaten teilweise automatisch bearbeiten, um bestimmte persönliche Aspekte zu bewerten (Profiling). Das Profiling ermöglicht es insbesondere, Sie besser über für Sie möglicherweise relevante Produkte zu informieren und zu beraten. Zu diesem Zweck kann WINVEST Auswertungsinstrumente einsetzen, die es ihr ermöglicht, mit Ihnen zu kommunizieren und Sie bei Bedarf zu bewerben, einschliesslich Markt- und Meinungsforschung.
Bei der Anbahnung und Durchführung einer Geschäftsbeziehung verwendet WINVEST in der Regel keine vollautomatisierte individuelle Entscheidungsfindung (wie z.B. gemäss Artikel 22 DSGVO). Sollten sie in bestimmten Fällen auf solche Verfahren zurückgreifen, werden Sie hierüber durch WINVEST gesondert informiert und über Ihre diesbezüglichen Rechte aufgeklärt, sofern dies gesetzlich vorgeschrieben ist.
K. Änderungen an diese Datenschutzweisung
WINVEST kann diese Datenschutzweisung jederzeit ohne vorherige Ankündigung ändern. Es gilt die jeweils aktuelle, auf der WINVEST-Website veröffentlichte Fassung. Wenn die Datenschutzweisung Teil einer Vereinbarung mit Ihnen ist, werden Sie im Falle einer Änderung per E-Mail oder auf andere geeignete Weise benachrichtigt.